Thursday, January 31, 2013

How To Best Use Your Debt Consolidation Opportunities

People of all ages, from various fields and in all sorts of circumstances get into debt for a variety of reasons. Unexpected events like job losses, illness, business failure and divorce can all result in financial problems.

If you are in this situation right now, you should start on your path to financial freedom by consolidating your debt.

When debts become difficult to repay, it becomes even more difficult to learn how to cope--who to go to for help and how to effectively manage your debts. You may be tired of trying to avoid phone calls from creditors, but that doesn't mean you have to drown in your own debt;
there is a very simple solution to your debt problems and that is to learn how to manage your debt.

Now that you have accepted that you must manage--not ignore--your debt, you should start looking at various debt consolidation opportunities you can potentially use. A few of these opportunities are listed below:

* Counseling service/ Financial Adviser:
Counseling services for debt consolidation are a huge way of helping you out of trouble. Various counseling services offer free credit repair as well as access to many consolidation programs. These organizations work for you and not for your creditors; and provide debt relief. With free credit repair, you can actually cut monthly payments in half.

* Debt Consolidation Loans:
The majority of customers consolidate their debts by debt consolidation loans; and use it to pay off all their credit cards, store cards, personal loans and other debts, replacing them with one lower-cost repayment each month.

* Debt Repayment Representative:
Your monthly payments can be combined into one lower monthly bill and you can pay off debts in just 3-6 years. With the help of a certified debt repayment representative, you have the power of consolidating your financial position. A debt repayment representative is someone on
your side to negotiate with your creditors and stop harassing collection agencies' calls.

* Credit Repair Clinics:
Consumer groups for debt management issues strongly suggest avoiding credit repair clinics. Some of these clinics are illegal and few have been caught stealing the credit files of folks under the age of 18. Others break into credit bureaus and change files, and some others suggest you start a new IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) which is illegal and blocks earning any Social Security benefits.

* Online services:
A large number of sites online offer information and help for debt consolidation.

Spend some time checking out these options and determine what is the best for your specific financial situation.
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4 Keys To Freeing Yourself From Debt

Debt is a way of life for many Americans. We owe money on our homes, our cars, our possessions (from furniture to clothes), and our education. Many Americans are so mired in debt they aren't even sure just how much they owe and to whom -- even worse they sometimes don't even remember just what caused their debt.

Some debt is good for you. For example, what you owe on your home can provide a nice way to balance out your income tax. A little debt is not a bad thing either as making regular payments to various creditors helps build your credit rating which makes it easier for you to obtain loans at good rates. However the truth is that most Americans have more than a little debt -- and many owe far too much money and are already, or soon will be, in financial trouble as a result.

Finding yourself owing a lot of money is not the end of the road and you can stop your cycle of debt by taking four positive steps to break the cycle.

First, attack your high-cost debts. This likely includes credit cards where you may be paying high minimum payments and high interest rates. Pay off the balances on credit cards carrying the highest interest rates first. Continue making your minimum payments for lower-interest cards but concentrate on paying off the highest interest. When the high-cost cards are paid off then work to eliminate the balances on your other cards.

Second, reach out to your creditors. If you are going to be late or have difficulty paying your minimum payments then contact the credit card company. Even if you can make all your payments in a timely fashion there are two benefits you can reap from contacting the card issuer. First, you may be able to negotiate lower rates or more favorable terms. Second, they might be able to recommend alternatives that can minimize damage to your credit rating.

Third, consolidate your debts as much as possible. You can accomplish this a number of ways. One possibility is simply transferring balances from one credit card to another with a lower rate, but be aware of transfer fees before choosing this option. Another possibility, if you own your own home, is to take out a home-equity loan or line of credit which should have a lower interest rate than most credit cards can offer as well as offering tax deductions. Finally, you can also consider a secured loan offering the value in another form of property, your vehicle for example.

Fourth, don't sacrifice your retirement savings. Obviously paying off your debt should be a high financial priority but cutting what you save for retirement to do so may not be the wisest course -- especially if that becomes a long term habit or if you are losing out on your employer's matching funds as a result. Perhaps you may be able to borrow against (or from) your retirement funds at a lower interest rate which will allow you to continue to save for retirement while also getting out from under your debt.

While owing money may well be the American way it can also be a tremendous burden to bear. You can shed the weight of your load or at least trim it down to a more manageable level by taking these four steps.
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4 Simple Steps To Get Out Of Debt - And Stay Out

Step One:  Plan for the Unexpected Big Time Bill

The first step arises from debt from a one-time large expense - something that is too large to be paid for with your monthly paycheck, or by saving for a few months. 

Many of these debts are investments in either an asset that will appreciate over time, or a income stream that will be greater over time.  The most common example is the purchase of a home.  Very few people are able to save enough money to purchase their home outright, or pay for their entire home out of a few paychecks.  We use a mortgage to pay for the home after-the-fact, and to enjoy home ownership in the meanwhile.  Another example is investment in education.  Many people cannot afford to pay for college tuition outright - so we take out loans, planning that our future income stream will enable us to be able to afford to pay for the education after-the-fact. 

The more insidious type of one-time large expense is the expense that is not an investment.  The emergency, unexpected, unplanned-for bill - extreme medical bills, disability, failure of a business, a lawsuit judgment, or long-time unemployment.  These bills can put a family under - forcing them to either sell assets, move out of their home, or declare bankruptcy, because they will never be able to pay off the debt with their income.

One way to combat this danger is to set aside three to six months of your living expenses in a special savings account - an Emergency Fund -- to be used for the emergency, unexpected expense.  This money is sacred, only for a family emergency.  The Emergency Fund will save your family from potential tragedy and help you create a secure future. 

Action Step #1:  Open a special savings account to be your Emergency Fund.   Set aside money each paycheck or month to fund this account. 

Step Two:  Think Out of the Budget Box

Instead of worrying about budgets, this step is the flip side of cash flow problems - income.   

We know when we have a debt problem.  We may stop opening bills, stop answering the phone.  We may even try to create budgets, reduce our expenses, cancel cable, live at the basic minimum, to try to stop the bleeding.

But sometimes, overspending is not the problem.  It is underearning.

You may just not earn enough to afford to live your life.  I'm not talking about living an extravagant lifestyle, or even a "nice" lifestyle - but the basic necessities of life - housing, automobile, phone, insurance, groceries, gas, clothing - may add up to too much, given your income.  This is especially common in expensive places to live, like the Silicon Valley. 

The first step in dealing with this problem is to stop feeling guilty.  You are not a bad person, who spends irresponsibly.  You are someone who needs to acknowledge that you need, want, and deserve more income. 

Instead of being frozen in guilt, start to take action on creating more income.  You may not need to do something radical - you may just need to ramp up what you are already doing, or look for hidden treasure already in your life. 

Put together a proposal for your boss, to describe how the company would be better if you got a raise.  Create a new information product to generate passive income for your business.  Search your basement for items you can auction on e-bay.  Teach a class on scrapbooking, or changing the oil in your car.  Have a garage sale to generate some quick cash, and reduce the clutter in your life. 

Whatever you do, the important idea is to start today. 

Action Step #2:  Brainstorm 5 ways you will earn more income now - such as - ask for a raise, look for a new job, start a small business, sell a new product, auction old items on e-bay, rent out a room, teach a skill, or have a garage sale.   

Step Three:  Planning for the Big Stuff

This step is about the debts that sneak up on us.  You may be able to pay for your bills and regular expenses each month -- but what happens if the car breaks down?  The property tax bill arrives?  Your quarterly's are due?  Christmas?  Baby announcement?  Wedding invite?  The family or high school reunion?  The big family vacation you all deserve?

Are you able to pay for those non-monthly expenses out of your paycheck or your small business profits?  Or, do those items go on a credit card? 

Automobile repair, gifts, taxes, and travel are all examples of expenses that are non-monthly, but are expected.  We know they are coming, but not necessarily when, or how much.  These expenses should not be going on a credit card - you should save for them ahead of time, so you do not pay a bank 10-20+% a year for the privilege of paying for your expenses after-the-fact.

Go through your bills, receipts, and cards for the last year, or the last few years, and figure out how much you spend on each of these categories each year, on average.  If you don't have those records, make a realistic estimate.  Divide that annual amount by 12.  That's how much you should set aside each month for your irregular expenses. 

Action Step #3:  Open a special savings account for at least one non-regular expense:  either auto repairs, taxes, travel, or gifts.  Save a fixed amount each month in that savings account, so when bills are due, you already have the money! 

Step Four:  Plug The Holes

Step four is about how to prevent your family from going into debt, by planning for your expenses ahead of time.  This step we come to the most insidious problem, and the most difficult to conquer - overspending. 

Do you know where your money goes each month?  How much are all of your bills?  How much are you spending on Dining Out?  Drinks Out?  Gas?   Target & Costco?  Clothes?  Personal care (i.e., massage, pedicures)?  Recreation - movies, golf, Netflix?  Toys (both for the kids, and for yourselves)?  Do you really know? 

Do you spend your money in accordance to your values and priorities?  Is there one, or  more areas, where you are spending money not because you particularly need, or even enjoy, that product or service - but because you are not paying attention, or because you are compensating for another problem in your life by habitually spending money in that area?

Commonly, we see this in clothes, toys for kids, recreation, high-tech gadgets, and dining out - easy for relatively small expenditures, made each day or week, to add up to hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each month.  Spending without thinking will derail you from ever being able to achieve your most important life goals.  Especially if you are spending more than your income, month after month. 

Instead of being frozen in guilt, do something about it.  Look over your habits for the last few months, and pick the most obvious problem area, where you "go" when you are stressed, bored, or unhappy.  Do you buy CDs?  Shop online?  Get a new pair of shoes?  Start in one category, and create good habits and rules for yourself in that area - then carry those personal rules over to the rest of your expenses. 

Action Step #4:  Create a Cash-Only account for your problem category.  Withdraw your budgeted monthly amount in cash on the first day of the month, and place the cash in an envelope - when the envelope is empty, you're done!

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3 Types Of Debt Help Available Online - Consolidation Loans, Debt Management And Debt Settlement

3 Types Of Debt Help Available Online - Consolidation Loans, Debt Management And Debt Settlement

When it comes to consolidating debt, the internet offers three very good options. When you want to choose between a consolidation loan, debt management, or debt settlement, it is important to have an understanding of each one so you can choose the option that is best for your needs. Many people confuse these three services, but each one brings unique aspects to the job of helping consumers pay off their debts.

Debt Consolidation Loan

A consolidation loan takes all of your high interest credit card debts and turns them into one low interest loan. Often you have to be a home owner to qualify for this type of loan. The idea behind a consolidation loan is that with a lower interest rate, you will actually be able to afford to pay on the principle and that will help you to eventually get yourself out of debt.

Debt Management

Debt management companies work with consumers to help them learn to get control of their finances. The companies teach individuals how to make a budget and stick to it and often help them make a schedule to follow for paying off their debts. Most debt management companies are non profit and exist solely to help consumers get on track. These companies don’t offer loans or negotiations and seldom work with creditors. Instead they work with you so you will have the tools to secure your financial future.

Debt Settlement

Debt settlement companies actually go to your creditors on your behalf. The work hard to negotiate with credit card companies to reduce what you actually owe. They can often lower interest rates, have penalties and late payment fees removed, and even get credit card companies to lower the balance of what you owe. Many of them will set up a system where you pay them one amount each month and then they in turn make payments to your credit card companies.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Climbing Out Of The Bottomless Pit Called: Credit Card Debt

Credit cards are actually a loan in disguise. They are not free money. If this golden rule is understood it would prove to be the first step towards avoiding the never-ending credit card debt. Taking a credit means taking a loan from someone who has extra at this time when you don’t. But this is the beginning of the credit card debt. Credit card debts come in handy while traveling and other expenses where cash is hard to find or hard to carry. Moreover it is good to have credit card debt limit free for times when cash is sparse.

Many people overspend on credit cards and end up in credit card debt. The vicious circle never ending high credit card debt interest start and finally leads to total loss of peace of mind. To avoid credit card debt some important note should be made about spending patterns. Credit cards should not be used for non-essential things neither should any spending via credits cards be unplanned. To avoid the credit card debt one should use credit only if repayment of the debt is ascertained. Impulse shopping on the credit card can be gross to your credit limit and start the vicious trap of credit card debt.

Beginning of the student life or college life is the starting point for the credit card debt. Every credit card company offers various student credit cards with different lucrative offers for students. Most of the student credit cards offer 0% for first six months, after the introductory period the regular period offers an APR of 16.49%. Usually offers on student credit cards do not have annual fee. Such offers help in avoiding the credit card debt if the student pays regularly each month and carries less revolving credit on their cards. Redemption of reward points against annual fee is another way of avoiding the credit card debt trap.

Credit card debt is a major cause towards losing credit ratings of an individual. Also credit card debt can vaporize the cash limit that may be required for a money emergency. One of the great ways to avoid the credit card debt is to pay bills promptly to keep finance and other charges to a minimum. Many people seek professional help to eliminate their credit card debt. Professional help is available in most of the western countries where people drastically suffer from credit card debt problems.

These professional help via internet and other agencies convince people that more than 75% of their debt can be eliminated. Moreover, they also provide help to prevent problems like bankruptcy and court proceedings which are an outcome of credit card debt. One can devise low monthly payment plus these external help also provide alternative solution for credit card debt management.

Credit card debt creates bad credit rating for an individual. Credit card debt creates penalties. It also provide a history to financial institutions and banks who can decline any further issue of credit cards or refuse a loan to consolidate the debts. Credit card debts also drive towards struggling repayments and demands from creditors.
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Best Ways For Managing Your Debt

Unforeseen events such as financial losses at job or business, prolonged illness, or a divorce can put people in a bad financial situation. These financial losses can put people from different walks of life and fields into debts, which are difficult to handle. If you find yourself stuck in one of these situations and have a big amount of debt haunting you then it is time for you to start your journey towards financial freedom. You can do this by managing your debt and look for different debt consolidating opportunities. Situations may lead you to incur huge amount of debt that may be difficult to repay. Additionally, it becomes even more difficult to learn to cope with the debt, who to go for help, and how to efficiently manage your debt. Therefore, to prevent yourself from avoiding phone calls from your creditors and drowning in your debt, you need to learn the methods for efficiently managing your debt. So far, you must have come to acknowledge the fact that management of debt and not ignorance is the key to financial freedom. You should begin by evaluating different debt consolidation opportunities that can be useful to you. Some of these popular opportunities are enlisted here: Counseling service/ Financial Adviser:

One of the most popular ways to assist you in debt consolidation is counseling service. These services not only offer you a free credit repair but also access to various debt consolidation programs. Since these services are on your side and not on your creditors, they are a preferred way of managing debt. A free credit repair can reduce your monthly payments by as much as fifty percent. Debt Consolidation Loans: A large number of customer use debt consolidation loan to manage their debt. With the help of debt consolidation loan, these customers pay off debt of different forms including various credit cards, loans and other debt. They do this by replacing various payments with one reduced-cost monthly repayment. Debt Repayment Representative: It is important that, as a customer, you are aware of the fact that your various debt payments can be combined into one reduced monthly payment. This way of managing your debt, allows you to become debt free in a period of 3-6 years. The role of the debt repayment representative is to empower you to consolidate your financial position. This representative works for you by not only negotiating with your creditors but also in ensuring that you do not receive anymore harassing calls from collection agencies.

Credit Repair Clinics: You must avoid approaching credit repair clinics. Various consumer groups established for managing your debts, also strongly recommend that you avoid these clinics. This is because many of these clinics are illegal. They may try to steal credit files of people under the age of 18 and break into credit bureaus to change files. Some clinics go even a step ahead and ask you to start a new IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN). However, you must never do this because it is illegal and prevents you from earning Social Security benefits. Online Websites: You can find information and help related to debt consolidation on different websites available online.

Go through these websites and check out options provided on them to select the best option for your financial situation.

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Avoiding Student Credit Card Debt

Students are valuable customers for credit card companies, as they tend to stay loyal to their first card and continue to make purchases with it for many years, despite having loans and not having jobs in many cases. In order to not fall into debt traps, students should avoid using the credit card barring emergencies. They should be aware of the after effects of using a credit card which would help them keep track of money in a better way.

Students should be aware of the fact that credit cards geared towards students often come with high interest rates and many unfavorable terms. This is largely due to high default rates among students than among other age groups. Another reason for the high rates is that students usually have limited credit histories. A point to note for the students is that the credit card should not be considered as a source of income. Even though students have good intentions of paying off their bills in a timely manner after they enter the workforce, such intentions are never realized. Most often, students lack money managing skills which hit them hard when they use their cards to the maximum limit.

Some of the credit cards issuers do not require parental approval for issuing credit cards to students. This leads to further mismanagement of money by the students as they are given access to a credit card with pretty high credit limits, which they assume to be their money and spend on various things. Instead, the use of cash is advisable, whenever possible. Debit cards are good alternatives for college students. They allow retailers to deduct the money from the purchaser’s bank account immediately. They work at ATMs too, if the student requires cash.

Thus, try not to take up a credit card in the first place, and if you do take one, try to clear the bills within the payment due date. Because, if you don’t, you could be fighting your way out of debt longer than getting your way through school.

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Are You Looking For Debt Help?

Debt is one of the most common and devastating things that people find themselves in life. It saps your energy and decreases your control over the future. Basically you are a slave to your debt literally and it has a way of winning out. People get into debt for all sorts of reasons. Some make poor decisions but most people are just plain unlucky and get hit with an unexpected and huge bill at just the wrong time. The great thing is that many of the people who offer debt help have been over their head in debt before and know exactly how to get out from under that crushing load. They know that you aren't stupid and will treat you with respect as they lead you along the proven path to freedom in your budget once again.

So my advice to you, if you are just starting the downward spiral and want help avoiding compounding your errors, or you have already hit rock bottom and are desperately looking for a way out, get someone you can trust and who knows what they are doing to give you good debt help. What I want to do now is give just a few tips that any sensible debt advisor would give you to get you on your way to financial security.

First form a budget that fits your income and stick to it. This is the most simple thing to teach in debt help, but turns out to be the most powerful because people have never learned. People have no idea how much is coming in and how much is going out and absent mindedly spend more than they make. It is a natural phenomena and the only way to avoid it is to map it out clearly so you can see the effect of your decisions clearly.

The second tenet of debt help is that everybody needs to come up with a way to keep track of your budget on a day to day basis. How else are you going to know if you can make a purchase within your budget? You need to have running totals in order to stick to your budget. There is a lot of simple computer software that is getting easier to use each year as they figure out ways to automate things. This takes out all of the math that can screw people up and also provides a clean crisp organization for those who are challenged organizationally.

Third credit can be your friend but turns out to be most people's enemy who are seeking debt help. Credit gives you flexibility and often many incentives but it also is very expensive if you get on the wrong end of the equation. My advice to you is to first not have credit until you have disciplined yourself enough to stick to a budget and then only use it like you would a debit card. This allows you all of the positives of credit without burying you alive.
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Am I Eligible For Student Loan Debt Consolidation

As a student who has taken admission in college for the first time or as parents who are planning to send their child to college, you can’t help but cringe, when you have to purchase textbooks worth thousand dollars or when you receive a bill for tuition fees. The rise in expenses associated with college education in United States has led to increase in demand for student loans. This has, in turn, increased the requirement for student loan consolidation services. Students, whether pursuing their studies in a graduate school or studying abroad have accrued huge debts, much beyond, what was considered reasonable, a few years back. Student loans have lower than normal interest rates and very flexible payment terms. This is because these loans are specifically meant for the people who are not employed.
But even with such low interest rates and convenient pay-back terms, many students may find it difficult to pay these loans as per the payment schedule. Student Debt Consolidation programs are customized to assist the students in managing their loans and thereby helping them to avoid defaulting on their debts.
There are debt consolidation agencies which are specially meant to manage debt problems of the students.

Basic Types of Loans
Student loans can be classified into federal and private. If you are one of those students who have taken both types of loans it is strongly recommended that you do not consolidate these two loans into one. Out of these two loans, only loans classified as federal can be refinanced as they are backed by the government. You should package all the federal loans into one and solve them before heading for the private loans. Private loans are mostly unsecured in nature therefore they charge interest rate which is higher than federal loans.

Criteria for Consolidation
If you would like to go for consolidation of your student loan, you will need to meet certain criteria. Firstly, it is required that either you should be out of the school or college and be in what is defined as the “grace period” of your loan or you must have already started repaying the loan in order to take advantage of student debt consolidation service. When you get in touch with a consolidation agency providing service to students, you must begin by asking them to get in touch with your creditors.
The agency will negotiate with these creditors and convince them to reduce rate of interest as well as your monthly payment. The repayment of your student loan has a direct impact on your prospects of taking loans in future, as is the case in any other type of loan. In case your student loan becomes more than 85% of total monthly income earned by you, it will be assessed as a negative score for any future loans. This emphasizes the importance of timely repayment of your student loan and its effect on your future decisions of borrowing money. Based on their evaluation of your financial position and repayment schedules, some debt consolidation agencies can qualify you for further debt reduction programs. These addition reduction programs assist you in many ways, most important of which is reduction in your interest rates. They also include savings made during grace period, automated direct debit payment and on time payments.

It is very important to state here that not all consolidation companies are genuine in nature. Therefore, you must apply to the consolidation company which is a famous company with credentials to support. Ignoring this advice may lead to substantial increase in your problems as such illegal companies will lead to higher debts.
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Advice On Credit Card Debt Consolidation - Make The Experts Work For You!

Copyright 2006 Geoff Morris

Credit cards can be a great boon to many people, and have been since the introduction of the first one, BarclayCard, back in 1966, which then enjoyed a credit card monopoly into the seventies, when, in 1972, Access was launched. Nowadays every major ( and minor) Bank, large store, etc, have added to the virtually thousands of cards to choose from. The introduction of so many plastic money sources, for many of us, has caused an uncontrollable temptation to spiral into consumer debt.

Do you really know how many credit cards you carry and what their balances all are?

Do you know what the rate of interest is on these cards?

Do you have a list of long-pending bills?

Do you know your exact financial situation?

But these credit card producing companies only have one thought in mind. They are not thinking of the convenience that plastic money brings to us, or for those of us that use the credit card interest free period, but for those of us that take the easy temptation into debt not considering where the real money will come from to repay these credit card debts.

Worse of all,  there are  virtually no controls whatsoever over these card issuing firms, especially over their extortionate interest rates. I saw one card, with an interest rate of 35%.

Because this temptation is so easy, it doesn't matter whether  you're already deep in debt or whether you are on the verge of getting into it; in many cases you need some advice on debt consolidation--and not informally from friends--but from experts.

Where can you get expert advice on debt consolidation for your credit cards?

You can get advice on credit card debt management from banks and financial firms. There are loads of debt consolidation companies around who will supply you with a financial expert or councilor to help solve your problems. You may also find some helpful advice online on debt management.

All you are required to do is to fill-out a form, giving them information about your credit rating, your secured and unsecured debts, and the list of your creditors. They will chalk out a plan just for you and advise on which steps you should take next.

Another advantage of debt advice is that your advisor will also suggest you some lifestyle changes you can make in the future to changes in your lifestyle to prevent another credit card debt pile up.

That's great, but how much do you have to pay?

Don't worry! Most of the advisory part is done free of charge. Although the price can only be known once you have chosen the company or bank with whom you wish to work. There are definitely online sites and other firms which will offer you advice free of cost but this is for you to decide.

Credit Card debts should not be neglected and it is always better to take advice from the right source. Choose your company with utmost care and you will find your way out of debt.

Also, if you ever get into debt, do not become an ostrich. Sticking your head in the sand will actually not make the situation any better. As well as debt counseling, you should inform your credit card company ( or companies) as soon as you get into trouble.
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Advice For People With Debt Woes

These days, many of us go in for loans on a regular basis. Often seeing the number of loan opportunities and credit facilities, we tend to take them up without a thought. Hence, one could be landed with far more debts than one can handle.


We all avail of loans at some time or another. But not being able to pay places you in a bad situation. If you happen to miss payments because some other important expense simply has to be paid, you will be defaulting on your loan payment. Repeat this a number of times and your credit scores will take a beating. This makes it difficult for you to qualify for bigger loans like mortgages and so on. Lenders would not be able to trust you financially.


If you are currently reeling under an enormous burden of debt, try to get counseling from the experts. There are people and institutions specializing in credit counseling or debt advice. Here is a look at some debt advice tips:

Handling Credit Cards - There really is no need to have too many cards. If you have got too many of them, call a credit card issuer and check out their current interest rates. Ask if they offer a low rate. Then, apply for a new credit card to consolidate all your debts. Doing this means you make payments to only one lender. If you concentrate on doing this right, you will be free of this debt too.

Taking up a home equity loan - Taking a home equity loan will provide you with the finance you require to pay off debts. Once you pay off your debt, you only have to pay off the home equity monthly payment, plus the interest. Check that these are not too high. Most often people who seek home equity loans are also making mortgage repayments. One must ensure that the burden of two loans won't be too high. So look into this as well.

Reorganize your finance - Make a list of all your sources of income. Then monitor where and how your money is going out. This gives you a clear picture of where money is being spent unnecessarily. If you make sure to reorganize your finances and do some planning, you could save quite a bit of cash. Follow the plan strictly and pretty soon you will money channels directed towards debts rather than spending and soon you will become debt free.

Contact a settlement company - If you were to avail of the services of a debt settlement company, your creditor would be paid off and you would have to just pay back the settlement company. I have spoken to people who have approached debt settlement companies. They claim that debt settlement helped them become debt-free in no time at all.

Other means - You can get into refinancing and pay of high interest debts and then pay of the debt you owe to the refinance company at a lower rate of interest. This low interest rate will free up some money to help you get back on your feet. Another option is to take a loan on your retirement funds to pay your current debts. In such a case, you will not have to reveal your credit score at all.

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All About: Debt Management Services

Are your loads of debts bothering you? Do your creditors keep calling to remind you of your liabilities? Are you afraid you might not be eligible to borrow again just to make ends meet? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you might want to seek advice from a debt management services company. They offer solutions through debt management that will eventually free you of debts.

Debt management is a term that refers to a ‘third party’ between the debtor and their creditors. A debt management specialist will work with you to come up with a viable plan to repay your debts and lower your monthly payments. This is done by consolidating all of your bills into one. The debt management service collects a monthly payment from you and disperses this payment to all of your creditors. At the same time, they work with your creditors in order to reduce any finance charges or late charges that might be excessive. The debt management service gets a commission by taking a fraction of the debtor’s monthly disbursement, and usually some type of payment from the creditors. 

For the most part, debt management services are great for people who owe a large sum of money to creditors, because the service will help you to properly assess your overall spending and cash flow, while settling with your creditors at the same time. It can even help you achieve a debt-free way of living.

There are lots of debt management agencies that can provide you with services that are indispensable because they can help you avoid bankruptcy and other financial woes. After all, cutting down your debts is what debt management services is all about.
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