Hitting a point in life where you realize you need to repair your credit is a scary moment. We work all our lives and this one little score can make or break our futures. Luckily you do have ways to work on rebuilding your credit and getting back on track. In this article, we will look at some of the top ways to bring your credit score back to life.
If you are trying to improve your credit score, do not make the mistake of closing too many accounts at once. While it may seem like a good way to improve your credit by getting rid of unneeded credit accounts, this can actually lower your credit score. Make sure you carefully consider whether or not you want to close an account.
If you're trying to repair your credit you should realize that bankruptcy is not an easy way out. Bankruptcy may help you get rid of large amounts of debt, but it stays on your credit report for up to 10 years and can affect your ability to get new credit in the short term.
When prioritizing your payments in a crunch, focus on those accounts that report to a credit bureau first. For example, if your choice is to pay a credit card bill or a cable television bill, it makes more sense from a credit perspective to pay the credit card on time and the television a week or two late. This prevents your credit score from being negatively impacted, but should be used as a last resort.
To make sure your credit score improves, avoid new late payments. New late payments count for more than past late payments -- specifically, the most recent 12 months of your credit history is what counts the most. The more late payments you have in your recent history, the worse your credit score will be. Even if you can't pay off your balances yet, make payments on time.
In order to best manage your finances and your credit score, you should never max out a credit card. The best thing to do is to never charge more than thirty percent of your credit limit. Having a high percentage of your available revolving credit being used will reduce your credit score. Also, high balances take longer to pay off and accumulate more interest.
You should never lie or do anything illegal with regards to your credit score. Many people lie on loan applications about their credit score to no avail. It is easy to check someones credit score so lying about it will not help at all. In fact it is illegal.
Refrain from applying for too many credit cards. When you own too many cards, you may find it difficult to keep track of them. You also run the risk of overspending. Small charges on every card can add up to a big liability by the end of the month. You really only need a couple of credit cards, from major issuers, for most purchases.
As you can see, rebuilding your credit isn't going to happen overnight. It requires effort and dedication to the task. Our credit scores are used in the decision making processes that affect so many aspects of our lives. Using these tips provided will lay the groundwork you need to be able to have those decisions start going your way.
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